Have time to read my introduction.
Behat + Mink + Selenium Server will do the automatic testing for your website. Behat handles your test cases in a form of a sentence which consist of the following
Behat + Mink + Selenium Server will do the automatic testing for your website. Behat handles your test cases in a form of a sentence which consist of the following
- Feature - which is a description of your test case. Example is "Title Checking"
- Scenario - Feature consist of Scenario's
- Conditions - Scenario's consist of condition using the following tags "Given", "When", "Then", "And", "But"
Example feature:
You need the followingFeature: Google Search@javascriptScenario: Check Google SiteWhen I go to "http://www.google.com"Then Capture a ScreenShot@javascriptScenario: Search Efren on GoogleGiven I am on "http://www.google.com"When I input "Efren" in "gbqfq" elementWhen press "Google Search"Then print current URLThen Capture a ScreenShot
- Linux with the following server
- php
- php-gd
- php-mysql
- php-mbstring
- php-xml
- php-devel
- php-pear
- apache or httpd
- mysql-server
- mysql-client
- firefox
- gnome or kde
- java
- Do the following
- cd ~/
- mkdir behat
- cd behat
- curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
- download the ff and put it in your behat folder
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Xc5UE7j8u9NW5jMmktZ01SeDA/view?usp=sharing
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Xc5UE7j8u9QmlpZmF4MFN1b2M/view?usp=sharing
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Xc5UE7j8u9VUduX3RWc0JJWm8/view?usp=sharing
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Xc5UE7j8u9WnZ2d1NxMlNnZ3c/view?usp=sharing
- ./composer.phar install
- Selenium server
- Download selenium server in http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/
- java -jar selenium-server-standalone-xxxx.jar
- sample feature
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Xc5UE7j8u9eVhxLXllZndGZTg/view?usp=sharing
- just run the
- bin/behat
- your should see test1.jpg