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PDF Chinese PHP and Python

The power of python release on its multi-lingual Capability, limitless generation of report.

When I was newbie in PHP I've tried to create a pdf using EZPDF, after years of experience, one of my project needs a report with Chinese font, I tried googling PHP PDF CHINESE, but I didn't find and correct output.

I remember my python experience generating a report using reportlab in python known to be the powerful pdf generating tools. And it works fine I can generate Chinese PDF without hassle. Wow it was great. For those who need some guide line on how to do it just dron an email to me.

Python 2.0 or higher


marcus said…
hey a while back (January 3rd, 2009 at 2:41) you (Efren Valdez) wrote on this site:

the following question:

"is there any way to disable this feature (zoom) on java script or CSS? coz it sax, specially on using AJAX."

i've been looking for this same solution. that is, i am posting screen shots on simple web pages so a client can review the layout before i put it to code. on mac's the image looks fine, but on some pc's the image seems blown up maybe 130% or so, messing things up and not looking professional. so the question is, is there any css i can use to prevent browsers from causing the image (and the entire page) from zooming in? the only code i've found so far is this:


which is the size of the screen shot image. i don't want the image to exceed 1264x1470 pixels that is, but on some pc's the browser is ignoring this css and making the image larger. or is it making the entire page larger? either way, i want to override this with either css or javascript.

any help is appreciated!

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