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Trac Project Management Monitoring Installation

This guide assumes that you know how to install python packages

Requirements sqlite backend:
  1. python
  2. sqlite and devel
  3. pysqlite
  4. genshi


  1. Install all the requirements
  2. add user by
    •  #htdigest -c /path/to/your/passwordfile.txt realname username
    • enter password
  3.  create you project
    • #trac-admin /path/to/your/project
    • enter information
  4. to remove sample wiki
    •  #trac-admin /path/to/your/project wiki remove '*'
  5. to start your trac
    • tracd -p 8080 --auth=*,/path/to/your/passwordfile.txt,realname /path/to/your/project


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