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Git to SVN Command Mapping

Initial checkout from existing repo for a given branchgit clone; cd sonatype-tycho; git checkout origin/tycho-0.10.xsvn checkout
Update locally checked out files from central repogit pullsvn update
List locally changes files/foldersgit statussvn stat
Diff locally changed filegit diff somefile.txtsvn diff somefile.txt
Revert locally changed file*git checkout somefile.txtsvn revert somefile.txt
Revert ALL local changes (except untracked files)*git reset --hard HEADsvn revert . -R
Add new filegit add file.txtsvn add file.txt
Add new folder recursivelygit add foldersvn add folder
Delete filegit rm file.txtsvn rm file.txt
Delete foldergit rm -r folder (non-recursive by default; use -r to recurse)svn rm folder (recursive by default; use -N to not recurse)
Commit changed file to central repogit commit -m "message" file.txt; git pushsvn ci -m "message" file.txt
Ignore files/folders (in the current folder)echo "target
bin" > .gitignore; \
git ci -m "gitignore" .gitignore
svn propset svn:ignore "target
bin" .; \
svn ci -N -m "svn:ignore" .


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